
Jedi knight jedi academy lightsaber mods
Jedi knight jedi academy lightsaber mods

jedi knight jedi academy lightsaber mods

eent files Maps now load entities from mapentities/mapname.eent in addition to loading them from the.Raz0r's MP Movement Raz0r's MP-style movement from the SP speedrun version can be enabled by getting g_MPmovement to 1.Extra Player Tints (Unused) Playermodels are able to have multiple tints.If you enter “newPlayerTint 0 ”, any shader stages for the player with “rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity 0” will be tinted to this colour rather than the usual.Ghoul2 view models First person view weapon models are now allowed to use.Detachable E-Web The player can detach an E-Web from its mount by pressing the Use Force button whilst using it.While the E-Web is equipped, the player moves more slowly.More usable weapons The tusken rifle and noghri stick are fully usable by the player.A DC15-A clone rifle, DC15-S clone blaster and E-5 droid blaster have also been added.Improved jedi_hm DT's very nice improved Human Male jedi is included.Katarn Saberstyle A gun / saber stance.Not completely ready yet, but you play around with it (with cheats enabled) by doing "give weapon_bryar_pistol" and then "setsaberstyle katarn" in the console.Saberthrow Saberthrow is now a force power.New force powers Force Insanity, Destruction, Repulse and Stasis have been added.Force Repulse is gained automatically during the SP campaign. For faster force regeneration, g_forceRegenTime has been brought over from MP.

Jedi knight jedi academy lightsaber mods mods#

TrueView As seen in Open Jedi Project and all the other mods that used it, TrueView shows the player model in first person view.You can turn it on for guns with cg_trueguns and turn it on for sabers with cg_fpls.

Jedi knight jedi academy lightsaber mods